
I was born in October of 1962 in Hobart Tasmania and I have two older brothers and sisters .My memory these days is abit hazy on the early years but the strongest ones are of the playing with the dog ,my toys ect :)
but it was 1967 that as a 5year old the real world was brought to my attention. It was the year I started Kindergarden and on one HOT summers day , I was In morning kindergarden only for a couple hours when everyones Mothers came rushing back to pick up there childern .My Mum came over to me and took my hand and lead me out the door. When we exited the room I noticed that the sky from horzion to horzion was a bright orange/red and the wind was as dry as burn chips. I asked my Mom why the sky was red and she told me there was a big fire! As we walked up the hill to our home the dry hot wind was carrying small embers and ash from fires 10km away and so we rush home and Mum left my brothers and sisters and my self infront of the black and white tv watching news flashes while she went out side to hose down the house . Its was the worst Bush fires in Tasmania History and it is know today as "Ash Wednesday" Many people and animals were killed and property and land lost , some people jumped in there water tanks or swimming pools to escape the fire only to be boiled alive . The fire stopped about 3km way from our homes and so we were very lucky.

Anyway that's my earliest memory , I went through the primary and secondary public school system we had at the time ( most of my school reports said that I dreamed took much ) and came out with good grades , then in 1980 to 1984 I completed my training As a Diesel fitter/mechanic at the Metropolitan Transport Trust . At the same time I also started a search for answers ,"the truth" . A path I'm still treading today because the "truth" is ever changing . I studied volumnes of books on the Occult , Qabalah , Ceremonial Magick , Enochian Magick , Yoga , Meditation , I taught my selt to read Tarot cards , The I Ching , Runes , and I do Raja Yoga . I spent sometime travelling and working In other States of Australia but have never left Aussie Soil . I collect Warhammer 40k ,Warhammer Fantasty Battles , And Necromunda Lead minitures ( lead poisoning has sent me crazy) which I hand paint . I collect Anime , Hentai , Manga pictures and videos .I,m Also restoring a 1960 Triumph Herald simular to the picture below:)

My Mother passed away with Motorneuron Disease in 1993 , a disease that attacks the nervous system , My father and I and the rest of the family could only sit by and watch the disease 1st take her voice (so her wrote everything say had to say) and then affect her nervous system to the point that she could no longer eat properly and started to waste away .Then the time came when she had to be taken to hospital and as they were leaving for the ambulance she held my hand and squeezed it and then I looked into her eyes I knew that she knew that she was never coming Home . From that point on there was a family member at her bed side 24 hours aday , and 5 day latter she passed away , but I was lucky enought to be at her bed side to see her peacefully and painlessly pass away . I love her and still miss her today . Ever since then I have been looking after my father who's health is declining and I am now on a carers pension because he needs 24hour care and supervision . This has also enable my Dad and I to become best friends and this time with him is special .
I am also teaching myself to use HTML , VBscript , MSagent , and animation , so that I can hopefully make a career other than being a mechanic (grease monkey).
Well thats the my life so far . I have no complaints ,thats just life:)
This symbol/logo was created by Senyac through his occult studies and is owned by Senyac . A page explaining its meaning will be put up at a later date .